Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Michelle Holt named new EITC Workforce Development & Community Education Manager

Michelle Holt
Eastern Idaho Technical College announced this afternoon it has named Michelle Holt as its new Workforce Development & Community Education Manager. She will replace Ken Erickson who came in the days it was still Eastern Idaho Vocational Technical School and is retiring after more than 39 years of service.

Holt, who has been CEO of the Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce and the Idaho Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau since July 2013, will start her new position on Feb. 7, 2017.

Before coming to Idaho Falls, she was executive director of Lost Rivers Economic Development, representing Butte and South Custer counties. “One common thread throughout much of my career has been workforce development,” she said. “Talent pipeline and the need for a skilled workforce impacts all of our chamber member businesses, as well as the entire business community. Cooperative partnerships like those between the chamber and EITC are key to ensuring the economic future of our community.”
Ken Erickson
“Michelle has the experience and professional network to continue the college’s role in support of a trained workforce for eastern Idaho,” said EITC President Rick Aman. “The prospect of a transition of EITC from a technical college into a comprehensive community college provides a unique opportunity in partnership with regional employers. Ms. Holt brings a wealth of experience and service to our business community.”

The Chamber CEO position is now open for applications through Jan. 16, 2017. The full job description can be found on the chamber website, under Job Postings, at the bottom of the homepage,  Resumes with cover letter can be emailed to