
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Teton Volkswagen plans to open doors June 6

Teton Volkswagen on Sunnyside Road is planning to open its doors June 6, with a grand opening to follow in August.
Teton Volkswagen, currently on Anderson Street, will start moving its cars June 6 to its new Sunnyside Road building.

"The doors will be open, and we anticipate moving all the cars there between the sixth and the 10th," said Doug Swanson, marketing manager for Teton Volkswagen and Teton Toyota. A grand opening has been set for Aug. 7, in conjunction with a Business After Hours.

Teton Volkswagen opened on Outlet Boulevard, on the west side of Interstate 15, in January 2013. Earlier this year it moved its operations to Anderson, in a holding pattern as it built the new dealership on Sunnyside.