Monday, May 5, 2014

INL executive recognized for i-STEM work

For several years, Idaho teachers have been attending i-STEM workshops where they work alongside Idaho business and industry leaders to gain skills and knowledge on how to integrate more science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into their classrooms.

Now, i-STEM has earned an international award for its innovative approach on professional development. On April 24, the International Association for STEM Leaders recognized Anne Seifert of Idaho National Laboratory and Dr. Louis Nadelson of Boise State University with the STEM Professional Development Leadership Award for creating i-STEM and providing professional development to more than 1,750 teachers across Idaho.

Nadelson said the award came as a surprise. “This has been the work of many people. I have a wonderful team that includes people from K-12, state government, higher education, and business and industry. I feel lucky to provide leadership and vision toward this,” he said.

The International Association presented 15 awards. “This award shows we are on the right track, and we are at the forefront here in Idaho to address STEM education in a meaningful way,” Nadelson said.
i-STEM is coordinated statewide by the Idaho State Department of Education, Idaho Professional-Technical Education, educators, businesses and industry.