Monday, June 24, 2013

Idaho Falls chamber names Michelle Holt new CEO

Michelle Holt
Michelle Holt has been named the new chief executive officer of the Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce.

Holt has worked as executive director of Lost Rivers Economic Development since 2005, and has more than 20 years in non-profit organizations, with experience in board development, grant writing, fund-raising and economic development. She has served as chairwoman of the Lost Rivers Medical Center Board of Trustees in Arco; as past president of Eastern Idaho Economic Development Partners and the Idaho Economic Development Association; and in various roles in local education.

Acting CEO Kerry McCullough will resume her previous role as programs and events coordinator until the chamber's July 4 activities are over, at which time she will begin full-time as the city of Idaho Falls' public information officer. McCullough will continue to serve as a volunteer on the chamber's Taste of Idaho and annual golf tournament planning committees and board of directors.

Holt will begin work on hiring a new programs and events coordinator and working with the staff on the upcoming Independence Day Parade and Liberty Festival on the Falls.