Thursday, April 18, 2013

KLCE holding "Second Chance Prom"

Me in my Greg Brady days, with Anne, the girl down the street.
This seems like a great idea. KLCE Classy 97 will be holding a free "Sec­ond Chance Prom" for the public April 27. It will be from 8 to midnight at Hillcrest High School.

If all works out as planned, it will be "a mag­i­cal evening of danc­ing and fun, to music old and new." Dress in for­mal or semi-formal attire and escort the real love of your life.

There will be give­aways, free pho­tos, free cook­ies and punch, and your favorite radio personalities. I will be busy that night, otherwise I would be checking it out, because it sounds like it could be as fun as Wayne Weiner's Bar Mitzvah, the 1969 shindig I judge all parties against.