Active listings in January-February 2012 were 309 compared to 270 in 2011.
There were 143 closings compared to 107 the previous year.
Median price of sold homes was $123,125 in compared to $145,125 in 2011.
There were 149 new properties under contract in February 2012, up 21% from February 2011.
Year-to-date closings were 33.6% above January-February 2011.
Median price of sold homes was 17.8% below January-February 2011.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
UNITS SOLD 242 169 108 103 107 143
MEDIAN PRICE $146,700 $160,450 $152,225 $144,750 $145,125 $123,125
NEW LISTINGS 273 318 342 427 270 309
DAYS ON MARKET 101 102 125 109 114 133
Source: Snake River MLS