I was interviewed for a story about the Dancing With the Idaho Falls Stars benefit at the Civic Auditorium this Wednesday night from 7 to 9. I will be one of four men dancing with partners from Extreme Ballroom. I meet my partner at 2 this afternoon for a crash course. I don't expect to be asked to wear a tear-away tux or a puffy shirt and satin trousers. Rather, I anticipate my main focus will be to smile and stay upright.
As Lindsey Bush's article in the paper stated, the cause is the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. My personal connection is two-fold: my mother-in-law, Evelyn Juell, died of cancer in August; my wife, Karen Juell, is a cancer survivor (Hodgkin's disease, 1985) who is now looking at chemotherapy for ovarian cancer.
Yes, it's scary, but don't hang the crepe yet. We are determined to fight, for ourselves and for everyone who faces the challenges of cancer. As I said in a previous post, our purpose in this world is to live.
If you want to contribute money to the cause, here is a link: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY12GW?px=17013538&pg=personal&fr_id=38333. Contrary to what the page says, I have raised $125 so far, thanks to the kind folks at St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
If you want to give, bring your checkbook or spare bills to the event Wednesday. Every dime counts. The women will be dolled up, I guarantee. As for me, I own a tux and people say I clean up nicely.
Oh yeah, here's the link to the local Relay for Life Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=hp#!/idahofallsrelay.
Hope to see you Wednesaday night!